Bare metal programming with style
atmegax8_fuses.h File Reference

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Fuse bytes

These definitions are computed by HWA from the target device name and the definitions provided by the user.

User-defineable symbols

Before including the device-specific header, the user can define these symbols to describe the configuration of the target device. HWA defines undefined symbols with factory values.

#define HW_DEVICE_BOOT   application
#define HW_DEVICE_CLK_SRC   rc_8MHz
#define HW_DEVICE_CLK_SRC_HZ   8000000
#define HW_DEVICE_CLOCK_OUTPUT   disabled
#define HW_DEVICE_DEBUG_WIRE   disabled
#define HW_DEVICE_EXTERNAL_RESET   enabled

Detailed Description

ATmegaX8 fuses & user definitions.