Bare metal programming with style
This is just a ATTINY45-20PU on a breadboard with a USB/Serial adapter and a LED connected at pin #5 (PB0/OC0A). No crystal.
The serial communication uses 1 wire for RX/TX, AVR pin #2 connected to the RXD pin of the serial adapter, and a 1k resistor is connected between the RXD and TXD pins (it could be replaced by a diode, Schottky preferably).
TINY45 -> 2 : RXD <- Serial Adapter : TXD 1 : DTR 4 : GND 8 : VCC
To install Diabolo with avrdude/usbasp:
USBASP -> 1 MOSI 5 <- TINY45 2 VCC 8 4 GND 4 5 RST 1 7 SCK 7 9 MISO 6