This class is used by:
- Interrupts
: counter overflow IRQ (update event)
- Registers
- (COUNTER,prescaler): one 16-bit prescaler
- (COUNTER,reload): reload register (ARR)
- Hardware registers:
, cr2
, smcr
, dier
, sr
, egr
, ccmr1
, ccmr2
, ccer
, cnt
, psc
, arr
, dcr
, dmar
- Logical registers:
, arpe
, cms
, dir
, cmsdir
, opm
, cmsdiropm
, urs
, udis
, cen
, ti1s
, mms
, ccds
, etp
, ece
, etps
, etf
, msm
, ts
, sms
, tde
, ude
, tie
, uie
, ie
, if
- (COUNTER,channel1..4): 4 independent channels of capture (input) or compare (output)
By default, hw( configure, COUNTER, ... ) and hwa( configure, COUNTER, ... ) configure the COUNTER as a counter:
hw |
hwa( configure, counter2,
[ mode, counter, ]
clock, from_apb1_psc
| channel1
| channel2
| external
| xor123,
direction, up
| down
| updown,
[ compare_flag, counting_up
| counting_down
| counting_up_or_down, ]
[ prescaler, x, ]
[ reload, x, ]
[ run, yes
| no ]
- Note
- RM0008, p. 126: The timer clock frequencies are automatically fixed by hardware. There are two cases:
- if the APB prescaler is 1, the timer clock frequencies are set to the same frequency as that of the APB domain to which the timers are connected.
- otherwise, they are set to twice (×2) the frequency of the APB domain to which the timers are connected.
- Note
- To be implemented. Configure the counter as an encoder:
hw |
hwa( configure, counter2,
mode, encoder,
- Note
- To be implemented. Configure the counter as a slave:
hw |
hwa( configure, counter2,
mode, slave,
clock, from_apb1
| channel1
| channel2
| external
| encode(channel1,channel2)
| xor(channel1,channel2,channel3)
[ reset, counter1
| counter2
| counter3
| counter4
| counter5
| counter8, ]
hw( run, COUNTER ) and hwa( run, COUNTER ) run the counter:
hw |
hwa ( run, counter2 );
hw( stop, COUNTER ) and hwa( stop, COUNTER ) stop the counter:
hw |
hwa ( stop, counter2 );
hw( read, COUNTER ) returns the value of the counting register:
uint16_t v =
hw( read, counter2 );
hw( write, COUNTER, value ) sets the value of the counting register:
uint16_t v =
hw( write, counter2, 500 );
hw( stat, COUNTER ) gets the status flags and clears them:
uint16_t v =
hw( stat, counter2 );