Bare metal programming with style

Fade a LED according to ADC conversion.

This can also be used to drive a servo (brown->ground, red->+6V, yellow->pwm). In that case, it is recommended to use a separated power supply for the servo as an USB RS232 module may not provide enough current.

/* This file is part of the HWA project.
* Copyright (c) 2012,2015 Christophe Duparquet.
* All rights reserved. Read LICENSE.TXT for details.
/* Include the target board definitions (includes hwa.h)
#include BOARD_H
/* The counter used for PWM
#define COUNTER counter1
/* PWM timings
# define PWM_PERIOD 0.02 /* 50 Hz */
# define PWM_TMIN 0 /* set to 0.000300 for servo */
# define PWM_TMAX PWM_PERIOD /* set to 0.003000 for servo */
# define PWM_PERIOD 0.0002 /* 5 kHz */
# define PWM_TMIN 0
/* Clock divider for the ADC
#define ADC_CLK_DIV 128 /* T=~13*128/8=208 µs @8MHz */
/* Top value and range of duty value according to PWM timings
#define count_t hw_uint_t(HW_BITS(COUNTER))
/* ATtinyX5s use compare2 as top value, others use compare0
#if defined HW_DEVICE_ATTINYX5
# define TOP_OBJ compare2
# define TOP_OBJ compare0
/* Use pin AVCC as Vref when possible
#if HW_ADDRESS((pin,avcc)) == -1
# define VREF vcc
# define VREF (pin,avcc)
/* Value to store in the compare unit (must be the same size as the count
* register)
static volatile count_t duty ;
/* Service ADC "conversion completed" IRQ: compute duty
* Make the ISR interruptible so that counter IRQs are serviced promptly.
HW_ISR( (adc0,irq), interruptible )
/* Get the new value
uint16_t adc = hw( read, adc0 );
/* Low-pass filter
const uint8_t ns = 32 ; /* # of samples */
static uint16_t lpfsum ; /* sum of samples */
lpfsum = lpfsum - (lpfsum + ns/2)/ns + adc ;
/* Compute duty in the range [COMPARE_MIN .. COMPARE_MAX] from lpfsum in the
* range [0..ns*1023]
uint32_t tmp32 = lpfsum ;
tmp32 = (tmp32 * (COMPARE_MAX-COMPARE_MIN) + ns*1023/2) / (ns*1023) + COMPARE_MIN ;
count_t tmp = tmp32 ;
if ( sizeof(count_t) > 1 ) {
hw( disable, interrupts );
duty = tmp ;
hw( enable, interrupts );
/* HW_ATOMIC( */
/* duty = tmp ; */
/* ); */
duty = tmp ;
/* Start a new conversion
hw( trigger, adc0 );
/* Service counter-overflow IRQ: turn the LED on and enable the compare IRQ
* that turns it off
HW_ISR( (COUNTER,irq,overflow), non_interruptible )
/* No need to protect access to duty since interrupts are not allowed */
if ( duty ) {
hw( write, PIN_LED, 1 );
if ( duty < COUNT_TOP ) {
hw( write, (COUNTER,compare1), duty );
hw( enable, (COUNTER,compare1,irq) );
hw( disable, (COUNTER,compare1,irq) );
else {
hw( write, PIN_LED, 0 );
hw( disable, (COUNTER,compare1,irq) );
/* Service compare-match IRQ: turn the LED off
* Note: if the address of the port register is < 0x40 (assembler 0x20) we can
* spare a few bytes and have a faster code using a naked ISR.
#if HW_ADDRESS((PIN_LED,port,port)) < 0x40
HW_ISR( (COUNTER,compare1,irq), naked )
hw( write, PIN_LED, 0 );
HW_ISR( COUNTER, compare1 )
hw( write, PIN_LED, 0 );
int main ( )
/* Create a HWA context to collect the hardware configuration
* Preload this context with RESET values
hwa( begin, reset );
/* Have the CPU enter idle mode when the 'sleep' instruction is executed.
hwa( configure, core0,
sleep, enabled,
sleep_mode, idle );
/* Configure LED pin
hwa( configure, PIN_LED,
mode, digital_output );
/* Configure analog input pin in analog mode (disable digital input buffer)
* and enable the internal pull-up resistor
hwa( configure, PIN_ANALOG_INPUT,
mode, analog_input_pullup );
/* Check that the counter can handle the top value. This must be done
* here since the C preprocessor does not allow floats in expressions.
if ( COUNT_TOP > ((1UL<<HW_BITS(COUNTER))-1) )
HWA_E("PWM_COUNTER can not afford PWM_PERIOD.") ;
/* Configure the counter prescaler
hwa( configure, (COUNTER,prescaler),
clock, ioclk );
/* Configure the counter to overflow periodically and trigger an interrupt
* The counter overflow ISR manages the compare IRQ
hwa( configure, COUNTER,
clock, ioclk / COUNTER_CLK_DIV,
direction, up_loop,
bottom, 0,
top, TOP_OBJ );
hwa( write, (COUNTER,TOP_OBJ), COUNT_TOP );
hwa( enable, (COUNTER,irq,overflow) );
/* Configure the ADC to make a single conversion and trigger an
* IRQ. The ISR will start a new conversion after its hard job is done.
hwa( configure, adc0,
clock, ioclk / ADC_CLK_DIV,
trigger, manual,
vref, VREF,
align, right,
hwa( enable, (adc0,irq) );
hwa( trigger, adc0 );
/* Write this configuration into the hardware
hwa( commit );
hw( enable, interrupts );
hw( wait, irq );
return 0 ;
#define HW_BITS(...)
Definition: hwa_1.h:500
#define hwa(...)
hwa( action, object [,...] ) stores an action for an object into a HWA context.
Definition: hwa_macros.h:552
#define HWA_E(...)
Trigger an error after code optimization.
Definition: hwa_2.h:17
#define hw(...)
hw( action, object [,...] ) executes an action immediately on an object.
Definition: hwa_macros.h:523
#define hw_asm(...)
Insert inline assembler code.
Definition: hwa_2.h:37
Definition: attiny84.h:98
#define HW_ISR(...)
Definition: hwa_interrupts.h:80