Bare metal programming with style

TCS3200 color detector

The microcontroller outputs a color number in binary form on 4 LED connected to PIN_OUTS according to what it's has been taught previously.

It can also communicate with the host through two host applications:

./tcs3200.py to:

./display.py to display (3D) the samples contained in the provided files

The same counter as the software uart swuart0 is used to compute the period of the TCS3200 output signal.

With S0=0 and S1=1, output frequency of the TCS is below 12 kHz, so period is over 83 µs. With HW_SYSHZ=8 MHz, this gives periods >660 counter units. As the counter has 16 bits, the lowest period it can measure is about 122 Hz. Experience shows that it is enough.

/* This file is part of the HWA project.
* Copyright (c) 2012,2015 Christophe Duparquet.
* All rights reserved. Read LICENSE.TXT for details.
#define BOARD_TCS3200
/* Device configuration
#define HW_DEVICE_CLK_SRC rc_8MHz
#define HW_DEVICE_DEBUG_WIRE disabled
#define HW_DEVICE_CLOCK_OUTPUT disabled
/* Settings for building the Diabolo bootloader.
* (Settings for the host application are in the board's Makefile)
#define DIABOLO_PIN_RX (pin,2)
#define DIABOLO_PIN_TX (pin,2)
#define DIABOLO_SYNC 101
/* Channel selection pins
#define PIN_TCS3200_S2 (pin,5)
#define PIN_TCS3200_S3 (pin,3)
/* Create a `PIN_OUTS` object consisting of the 4 consecutive I/O pins
* PA5,PA4,PA3,PA2 (14pdip: 8..11)
#define PIN_OUTS (porta, 4, 2)
/* Include HWA definitions
/* This file is part of the HWA project.
* Copyright (c) 2012,2015 Christophe Duparquet.
* All rights reserved. Read LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H
#include BOARD_H
* NOTE: do not leave the RX pin floating. Fix-it to high level through 10 kohms.
startirq, (DIABOLO_PIN_RX,port,pcic,irq), \
counter, counter1, \
compare, compare0, \
clkdiv, 1, \
autosync, 51, \
fastreg, (shared,gpior0) )
#define COUNTER counter1
#define CAPTURE (counter1,capture0)
#define COMPARE (counter1,compare1)
/* This file is part of the HWA project.
* Copyright (c) 2012,2015 Christophe Duparquet.
* All rights reserved. Read LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "config.h"
#if ! defined BOARD_TCS3200
# error Incompatible board
/* Maximum period (minimum light level) required
uint16_t tclear_max ;
/* A region is a structure that describes a 3D sphere in the RGB space
* and the result to produce when a RGB point is inside the sphere
typedef struct {
uint8_t radius ;
uint8_t red, green, blue ;
uint8_t result ;
} region_t ;
/* Data stored in EEPROM
static region_t HW_MEM_EEPROM ee_regions[16] ;
static uint16_t HW_MEM_EEPROM ee_tclear_max ;
uint8_t uart_getbyte ( )
while ( !hw(stat,UART).rxc )
hw( wait, irq );
return hw( read, UART );
void uart_putbyte ( uint8_t byte )
while ( !hw(stat,UART).txc )
hw( wait, irq );
hw( write, UART, byte );
/* Measure the output signal period of the sensor on channel S3,S2 in HW_SYSHZ
* clock units. As we use period ratios, clock frequency has no incidence on
* the final results.
static uint16_t measure ( uint8_t s3, uint8_t s2 )
uint16_t t ;
/* Select the channel
hw( write, PIN_TCS3200_S3, s3!=0 );
hw( write, PIN_TCS3200_S2, s2!=0 );
/* The datasheet says: ``The output-scaling counter registers are cleared
* upon the next pulse of the principal frequency after any transition of
* the S0, S1, S2, S3, and OE lines. The output goes high upon the next
* subsequent pulse of the principal frequency, beginning a new valid
* period.``
* This is not what I've seen: the rising edge does not follow the change
* in S2/S3 immediately. This is not really a problem, just a little more
* time consuming.
/* Prepare to capture the date of the next rising edge
hw( configure, CAPTURE, edge, rising );
hw( clear, (CAPTURE,irq) );
/* Use the compare unit to detect a too long elapsed time for rising edge to
* occur
hw( write, COMPARE, hw(read, COUNTER) );
hw( clear, (COMPARE,irq) );
for (;;) {
* Rising edge occured: continue below
if ( hw( read, (CAPTURE,irq) ) ) {
t = hw( read, CAPTURE ) ;
break ;
* Compare-match occured: signal period is too long
if ( hw( read, (COMPARE,irq) ) )
return 0xFFFF ;
/* Now wait for the falling edge
hw( configure, CAPTURE, edge, falling );
hw( clear, (CAPTURE,irq) );
hw( write, COMPARE, t );
hw( clear, (COMPARE,irq) );
for (;;) {
if ( hw( read, (CAPTURE,irq) ) )
* Return the half-period
return hw( read, CAPTURE ) - t ;
if ( hw( read, (COMPARE,irq) ) )
* Half-period is too long
return 0xFFFF ;
/* !0 if h is an hexa char '0'..'9','A'..'F'
static uint8_t ishex ( uint8_t h )
return (h>='0' && h<='9') || (h>='A' && h<='F') ;
/* Send one hexa char on UART
static void tx1h ( uint8_t n )
if ( n < 10 )
n = n + '0' ;
n = n - 10 + 'A' ;
uart_putbyte( n );
/* Send one hexa byte on UART
static void tx2h ( uint8_t n )
tx1h( (n>>4) & 0x0F );
tx1h( (n>>0) & 0x0F );
/* Send one hexa short on UART
static void tx4h ( uint16_t n )
tx2h( (n>>0) & 0xFF );
tx2h( (n>>8) & 0xFF );
/* Convert hexa char to uint8_t
static uint8_t H2i ( uint8_t c )
if ( c<='9' )
return c-'0' ;
return 10+c-'A' ;
/* Convert hexa byte to uint8_t
static uint8_t HH2i ( uint8_t s[] )
return (H2i(s[0])<<4) + H2i(s[1]) ;
/* Convert hexa short to uint16_t
static uint16_t HHHH2i ( uint8_t s[] )
uint16_t r = HH2i(&s[2]);
r <<= 8 ;
r |= HH2i(&s[0]) ;
return r ;
main ( )
hwa( begin, reset );
hwa( configure, UART );
/* Capture used to compute the TCS output period
hwa( configure, CAPTURE,
input, pin_icp,
edge, rising );
hwa( configure, PIN_TCS3200_S2, mode, digital_output );
hwa( write, PIN_TCS3200_S2, 0 );
/* hwa( configure, PIN_TCS3200_S3, mode, digital_output ); */
hwa( write, PIN_TCS3200_S3, 0 );
hwa( configure, PIN_OUTS, mode, digital_output );
hwa( write, PIN_OUTS, 0 );
hwa( commit );
hw( enable, interrupts );
/* tclear_max is stored in EEPROM
hw( read_bytes, eeprom0, &tclear_max, &ee_tclear_max, sizeof(tclear_max) );
/* Main loop
uint16_t tclear ;
uint16_t tred ;
uint16_t tgreen ;
uint16_t tblue ;
uint32_t pred ; // Proportion of red
uint32_t pgreen ; // Proportion of green
uint32_t pblue ; // Proportion of blue
for(;;) {
uint8_t rn ; /* region # that owns the sample */
/* Sample all channels in turn
tclear = measure( 0,1 ); /* S3S2 = 01: Clear */
tred = measure( 0,0 ); /* 00: Red */
tgreen = measure( 1,1 ); /* 11: Green */
tblue = measure( 1,0 ); /* 10: Blue */
/* A minimum light level is required to trigger region search
if ( tclear < tclear_max &&
tred != 0xFFFF &&
tgreen != 0xFFFF &&
tblue != 0xFFFF ) {
* Compute the contribution of each primary color
* in the range [0..255]
uint32_t tclear256 = 256 * (uint32_t)tclear ;
pred = (tclear256 + tred/2 ) / tred ;
pgreen = (tclear256 + tgreen/2 ) / tgreen ;
pblue = (tclear256 + tblue/2 ) / tblue ;
* Find the region that owns the sample
* Compute the quadratic 3D distance
region_t r ;
for ( rn=0 ; rn<sizeof(ee_regions)/sizeof(region_t) ; rn++ ) {
hw( read_bytes, eeprom0, &r, &ee_regions[rn], sizeof(r) ) ;
if ( r.radius < 0xFF ) {
uint16_t qp, qr, qg, qb ;
qp = r.radius ;
if (pred > r.red) qr=pred-r.red ; qr=r.red-pred ;
if (pgreen > r.green) qg=pgreen-r.green ; qg=r.green-pgreen ;
if (pblue > r.blue) qb=pblue-r.blue ; qb=r.blue-pblue ;
qp = qp*qp ;
qr = qr*qr ;
qg = qg*qg ;
qb = qb*qb ;
if ( qr+qg+qb < qp )
break ;
if ( rn < 16 ) {
* Region found, produce the result
hw( write, PIN_OUTS, r.result & 0x0F );
else {
* No region found
rn = 0xFF ;
hw( write, PIN_OUTS, 0 );
else {
* Minimum light level is not reached
rn = 0xFF ;
pred = 0 ;
pgreen = 0 ;
pblue = 0 ;
hw( write, PIN_OUTS, 0 );
if ( hw(stat,UART).rxc ) {
* Process received byte on UART
uint8_t cmd = hw( read,UART);
if ( cmd=='s' ) {
* Return sampling data to host
if ( tclear != 0xFFFF &&
tred != 0xFFFF &&
tgreen != 0xFFFF &&
tblue != 0xFFFF ) {
tx4h( tclear );
tx4h( tred );
tx4h( tgreen );
tx4h( tblue );
tx2h( pred );
tx2h( pgreen );
tx2h( pblue );
tx2h( rn );
uart_putbyte( '.');
uart_putbyte( '\n' );
else if ( cmd=='r' ) {
* List regions stored in EEPROM
for ( uint8_t i=0 ; i<sizeof(ee_regions)/sizeof(region_t) ; i++ ) {
region_t r ;
hw( read_bytes, eeprom0, &r, &ee_regions[i], sizeof(region_t) );
if ( r.radius != 0xFF ) {
uart_putbyte( '\n' );
else if ( cmd=='R' ) {
* Store one region into EEPROM
* Processing a sample can make the MCU busy for a long time compared
* to communication data rate and characters may be missed if the host
* sends several meanwhile. So, the host will have to wait a ' '
* indicating that we're listening before it completes the command.
uart_putbyte( ' ' );
* Receive the remaining of the command
* 0,1: region (0..15)
* 2,3: radius
* 4,5: red
* 6,7: green
* 8,9: blue
* A,B: decision
* '\n'
uint8_t cmdbuf[12] ;
uint8_t i=0 ;
for(;;) {
if ( hw(stat,UART).rxc ) {
uint8_t byte = hw( read,UART);
if (byte=='\n')
break ;
if ( !ishex(byte) )
i=0xFF ;
if ( i<sizeof(cmdbuf) )
cmdbuf[i++] = byte ;
i=0xFF ;
if ( i!=sizeof(cmdbuf) )
goto error ;
/* Command line seems valid, process it
uint8_t rn = HH2i( &cmdbuf[0] ); // Region number
if ( rn > 15 )
goto error ;
region_t region ;
region.radius = HH2i( &cmdbuf[2] ); // Region data
region.red = HH2i( &cmdbuf[4] );
region.green = HH2i( &cmdbuf[6] );
region.blue = HH2i( &cmdbuf[8] );
region.result = HH2i( &cmdbuf[10] );
region_t region0 ;
hw( read_bytes, eeprom0, &region0, &ee_regions[rn], sizeof(region) );
/* Update region if different
if ( __builtin_memcmp(&region, &region0, sizeof(region_t)) )
hw( write_bytes, eeprom0, &ee_regions[rn], &region, sizeof(region) );
uart_putbyte( '\n' );
else if ( cmd=='l' ) {
* Return the threshold light level (maximum period on the clear
* channel)
uart_putbyte( '\n' );
else if ( cmd=='L' ) {
* Store tclear_max in eeprom
* Send a ' ' to indicate the host that we're now listening
uart_putbyte( ' ' );
/* Receive command line
uint8_t cmdbuf[4] ;
uint8_t i=0 ;
for(;;) {
if ( hw(stat,UART).rxc ) {
uint8_t byte = hw( read,UART);
if (byte=='\n')
break ;
if ( !ishex(byte) )
i=0xFF ;
if ( i<sizeof(cmdbuf) )
cmdbuf[i++] = byte ;
i=0xFF ;
if ( i!=sizeof(cmdbuf) )
goto error ;
/* Command line seems valid, process it
uint16_t max = HHHH2i( &cmdbuf[0] );
if ( max != tclear_max ) {
tclear_max = max ;
hw( write_bytes, eeprom0, &ee_tclear_max, &tclear_max, sizeof(tclear_max) );
uart_putbyte( 'w' );
uart_putbyte( '\n' );
else if ( cmd=='\n' )
uart_putbyte( '\n' );
else {
uart_putbyte( '!' );
#define hwa(...)
hwa( action, object [,...] ) stores an action for an object into a HWA context.
Definition: hwa_macros.h:552
#define HW_DECLARE(...)
Declares the functions that implement an object.
Definition: hwa_1.h:526
Software-emulated UART.
#define hw(...)
hw( action, object [,...] ) executes an action immediately on an object.
Definition: hwa_macros.h:523
Definition: hwa_2.h:146