Bare metal programming with style
Toggle the function of GPIO1 between gpio and (uart0,txd).

While booting, the ESP8266 sends messages on uart0 configured at 74880 bps. Toggling DTR (miniterm.py: Ctrl+T,Ctrl+D) allows resetting the device and see these messages.

On the Wemos board, the LED is connected to GPIO2 and is active low (and shared with UART1_TXD):

/* make install
* python miniterm.py /dev/ttyUSB0 74880
#include BOARD_H
#define IROM __attribute__((section (".irom.text")))
#define IRAM
#if !defined PIN_LED
# define PIN_LED gpio5
/* Function called every 10 ms
void IROM every10ms ( )
static uint8_t calls ;
calls++ ;
if ( calls == 10 ) {
* Configure GPIO1 as U0TXD to send a message
hw( write, PIN_LED, 1 );
hw( configure, gpio1, function, (uart0,txd) );
os_printf("%d\n", hw_uptime_us());
else if ( calls >= 50 ) {
* Configure GPIO1 as gpio1 to turn TXD low for 100 ms
calls = 0 ;
hw( write, PIN_LED, 0 );
hw( configure, gpio1, function, gpio, mode, digital_output );
os_printf("FAIL!\n"); /* That will not be transmitted */
void IROM user_init()
os_printf("Hello World!\n");
hw( configure, PIN_LED, mode, digital_output );
/* After RESET, GPIO1 is connected to (uart0,txd) so that we can send messages
* with os_printf().
* Ensure that GPIO1 will be set low when configured as a GPIO.
hw( write, gpio1, 0 );
hw( configure, PIN_LED, mode, digital_output );
/* Trigger a function call every 10 ms (about)
static os_timer_t timer ;
os_timer_disarm( &timer );
os_timer_setfn( &timer, (os_timer_func_t *)every10ms, NULL );
os_timer_arm( &timer, 10, 1 );
#define hw(...)
hw( action, object [,...] ) executes an action immediately on an object.
Definition: hwa_macros.h:523