Bare metal programming with style

This program fades LED1 (porta,2) using one channel output of a counter.

The counting direction of the counter (up/down) is output on LED2. It can synchronize an oscilloscope to view the PWM signal.

You can direct the output signal to (portb,10) instead of LED2 (porta,3) after having powered its port and the afio. This requires a remapping of the counter that is handled by HWA.

/* This file is part of the HWA project.
* Copyright (c) 2020 Christophe Duparquet.
* All rights reserved. Read LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include BOARD_H
#define AHBHZ HW_DEVICE_HSIHZ // AHB frequency
#define COUNTER counter2
#define CHANNEL channel3
#define DUTYMAX 100
#if HW_ADDRESS(LED2) == -1
# define LED2 fake
/* Service the counter IRQ (every overflow or underflow, then the frequency of
* the IRQ does not depend on the counting mode of the counter, but the
* frequency of the PWM output does): compute the next value of the compare
* unit.
* Phase 0: increase duty cycle from 0 to DUTYMAX
* Phase 1: decrease duty cycle from DUTYMAX to 0 (use ~duty)
* Phase 2: off
* Phase 3: off
static uint16_t duty ;
static uint8_t phase ;
hw( clear, (COUNTER,irq) );
hw( write, LED2, hw(read,(COUNTER,dir))==0 );
if ( phase == 0 )
hw( write, (COUNTER,CHANNEL), duty );
else if ( phase == 1 )
hw( write, (COUNTER,CHANNEL), DUTYMAX-duty );
duty++ ;
if ( duty > DUTYMAX ) {
duty = 0 ;
phase = (phase+1) & 3 ;
int main ( )
hwa( begin, reset );
/* Power the controllers we use
hwa( power, (LED1,port), on );
hwa( power, (LED2,port), on );
hwa( power, COUNTER, on );
hwa( power, afio, on );
hwa( commit );
/* Configure GPIOs
hwa( configure, LED1, function, (COUNTER,CHANNEL), mode, digital_output );
hwa( configure, LED2, function, gpio, mode, digital_output );
/* FIXME: no error triggered when setting function gpio and (counter2,channel1) to pa0 */
/* Configure and start the counter (sms=0, cms=3, opm=0, cen=1)
hwa( configure, COUNTER,
clock, from_apb1_psc,
direction, updown_loop,
prescaler, AHBHZ/DUTYMAX/100 - 1,
reload, DUTYMAX,
run, yes );
/* Configure the channel used as PWM output
hwa( configure, (COUNTER,CHANNEL),
function, compare,
level, clear_on_match_up_set_on_match_down,
output, connected );
hwa( commit );
hw( enable, (nvic,COUNTER) );
hw( enable, (COUNTER,irq) );
/* Sleep between IRQs.
for(;;) hw( wait, irq );
#define hwa(...)
hwa( action, object [,...] ) stores an action for an object into a HWA context.
Definition: hwa_macros.h:552
#define hw(...)
hw( action, object [,...] ) executes an action immediately on an object.
Definition: hwa_macros.h:523
#define LED1
Definition: bluepill.h:56
#define HW_ISR(...)
Definition: hwa_interrupts.h:80
#define LED2
Definition: mini-stm32-v3.0.h:62