Bare metal programming with style
Go to the documentation of this file.
73 #define HW_DEVICE_RAM_START 0x0060
78 #define HW_DEVICE_APP_START 0x0022
85 #include "attinyx4_fuses.h"
88 #define hw_int0_irq _irq, 1, int0, ie, if
89 #define hw_pcic0_irq _irq, 2, pcic0, ie, if
90 #define hw_pcic1_irq _irq, 3, pcic1, ie, if
91 #define hw_watchdog0_irq _irq, 4, watchdog0, ie, if
92 #define hw_counter1_irq_capture0 _irq, 5, counter1, icie0, icif0
93 #define hw_counter1_capture0_irq _irq, 5, counter1, icie0, icif0
94 #define hw_counter1_irq_compare0 _irq, 6, counter1, ocie0, ocif0
95 #define hw_counter1_compare0_irq _irq, 6, counter1, ocie0, ocif0
96 #define hw_counter1_irq_compare1 _irq, 7, counter1, ocie1, ocif1
97 #define hw_counter1_compare1_irq _irq, 7, counter1, ocie1, ocif1
98 #define hw_counter1_irq_overflow _irq, 8, counter1, ie, if
99 #define hw_counter1_irq _irq, 8, counter1, ie, if
100 #define hw_counter0_irq_compare0 _irq, 9, counter0, ocie0, ocif0
101 #define hw_counter0_compare0_irq _irq, 9, counter0, ocie0, ocif0
102 #define hw_counter0_irq_compare1 _irq, 10, counter0, ocie1, ocif1
103 #define hw_counter0_compare1_irq _irq, 10, counter0, ocie1, ocif1
104 #define hw_counter0_irq_overflow _irq, 11, counter0, ie, if
105 #define hw_counter0_irq _irq, 11, counter0, ie, if
106 #define hw_acmp0_irq _irq, 12, acmp0, ie, if
107 #define hw_adc0_irq _irq, 13, adc0, ie, if
108 #define hw_eeprom0_irq _irq, 14, eeprom0, sie,
109 #define hw_eeprom0_irq_ready _irq, 14, eeprom0, sie,
110 #define hw_usi0_irq_start _irq, 15, usi0, ies, ifs
111 #define hw_usi0_irq_overflow _irq, 16, usi0, ieov, ifov
112 #define hw_usi0_irq_txc _irq, 16, usi0, ieov, ifov
113 #define hw_usi0_irq _irq, 16, usi0, ieov, ifov
125 #define hw_class__shared
126 #define hw_shared _shared, 0
128 #define hw_shared_gimsk _r8, 0x5B, 0x70, 0x00
129 #define hw_shared_gifr _r8, 0x5A, 0x70, 0x70
130 #define hw_shared_timsk _r8, 0x59, 0x7E, 0x00
131 #define hw_shared_tifr _r8, 0x58, 0x7E, 0x7E
132 #define hw_shared_gtccr _r8, 0x43, 0x81, 0x00
133 #define hw_shared_prr _r8, 0x40, 0x0F, 0x00
134 #define hw_shared_gpior2 _r8, 0x35, 0xFF, 0x00
135 #define hw_shared_gpior1 _r8, 0x34, 0xFF, 0x00
136 #define hw_shared_gpior0 _r8, 0x33, 0xFF, 0x00
137 #define hw_shared_did _r8, 0x21, 0xFF, 0x00
142 #define hw_gpior2 _xb1, gpior2, shared, 8, 0
143 #define hw_gpior1 _xb1, gpior1, shared, 8, 0
144 #define hw_gpior0 _m11,(shared,gpior0),shared,gpior0,_r8,0 +0x33,0xFF,0x00,8,0;
147 #if !defined __ASSEMBLER__
173 #include "../classes/gpa_1.h"
174 #include "../classes/ioa_1.h"
180 #define hw_porta _gpa, 0x39
181 #define hw_portb _gpa, 0x36
185 #if !defined HW_NC_PB0
189 #if !defined HW_NC_PB1
193 #if !defined HW_NC_PB2
197 #if !defined HW_NC_PB3
201 #define HW_PORTB_NCMSK HW_NC_PB3*0x08 + HW_NC_PB2*0x04 + HW_NC_PB1*0x02 + HW_NC_PB0
204 # define _hw_portb_ncmsk , HW_PORTB_NCMSK
209 #define hw_porta_1_0_did _xb1, shared, did, 1, 0
210 #define hw_porta_1_1_did _xb1, shared, did, 1, 1
211 #define hw_porta_1_2_did _xb1, shared, did, 1, 2
212 #define hw_porta_1_3_did _xb1, shared, did, 1, 3
213 #define hw_porta_1_4_did _xb1, shared, did, 1, 4
214 #define hw_porta_1_5_did _xb1, shared, did, 1, 5
215 #define hw_porta_1_6_did _xb1, shared, did, 1, 6
216 #define hw_porta_1_7_did _xb1, shared, did, 1, 7
220 #define hw_porta_pcic pcic0
221 #define hw_portb_pcic pcic1
225 #define hw_pin_ain0 _ioa, porta, 1, 1
226 #define hw_pin_ain1 _ioa, porta, 1, 2
228 #define hw_pin_usck _ioa, porta, 1, 4
229 #define hw_pin_do _ioa, porta, 1, 5
230 #define hw_pin_di _ioa, porta, 1, 6
234 #define hw_pin_adc0 _ioa, porta, 1, 0
235 #define hw_pin_adc1 _ioa, porta, 1, 1
236 #define hw_pin_adc2 _ioa, porta, 1, 2
237 #define hw_pin_adc3 _ioa, porta, 1, 3
238 #define hw_pin_adc4 _ioa, porta, 1, 4
239 #define hw_pin_adc5 _ioa, porta, 1, 5
240 #define hw_pin_adc6 _ioa, porta, 1, 6
241 #define hw_pin_adc7 _ioa, porta, 1, 7
243 #define hw_pin_int0 _ioa, portb, 1, 2
245 #if defined HW_DEVICE_PACKAGE_14P3
247 # define hw_pin_2 _ioa, portb, 1, 0
248 # define hw_pin_3 _ioa, portb, 1, 1
249 # define hw_pin_4 _ioa, portb, 1, 3
250 # define hw_pin_5 _ioa, portb, 1, 2
251 # define hw_pin_6 _ioa, porta, 1, 7
252 # define hw_pin_7 _ioa, porta, 1, 6
253 # define hw_pin_8 _ioa, porta, 1, 5
254 # define hw_pin_9 _ioa, porta, 1, 4
255 # define hw_pin_10 _ioa, porta, 1, 3
256 # define hw_pin_11 _ioa, porta, 1, 2
257 # define hw_pin_12 _ioa, porta, 1, 1
258 # define hw_pin_13 _ioa, porta, 1, 0
269 #include "../classes/corea_1.h"
273 #define hw_core0 _corea, 0
277 #define hw__corea_sreg _r8, 0x5F, 0xFF, 0x00
278 #define hw__corea_sph _r8, 0x5E, 0x03, 0x00
279 #define hw__corea_spl _r8, 0x5D, 0xFF, 0x00
283 #define hw_core0_mcucr _r8, 0x55, 0xFF, 0x00
284 #define hw_core0_mcusr _r8, 0x54, 0x0F, 0x00
285 #define hw_core0_osccal _r8, 0x51, 0xFF, 0x00
289 #define hw_core0_bods _ob1, mcucr, 1, 7
290 #define hw_core0_pud _ob1, mcucr, 1, 6
291 #define hw_core0_se _ob1, mcucr, 1, 5
292 #define hw_core0_sm _ob1, mcucr, 2, 3
293 #define hw_core0_bodse _ob1, mcucr, 1, 2
295 #define hw_core0_wdrf _ob1, mcusr, 1, 3
296 #define hw_core0_borf _ob1, mcusr, 1, 2
297 #define hw_core0_extrf _ob1, mcusr, 1, 1
298 #define hw_core0_porf _ob1, mcusr, 1, 0
299 #define hw_core0_allrf _ob1, mcusr, 4, 0
310 #include "../classes/inta_1.h"
311 #define hw_int0 _inta, 0
313 #define hw_int0_sc _xb1, core0, mcucr, 2, 0
314 #define hw_int0_ie _xb1, shared, gimsk, 1, 6
315 #define hw_int0_if _xb1, shared, gifr, 1, 6
324 #include "../classes/pxa_1.h"
328 #define hw_pcic0 _pxa, 0x32
332 #define hw_pcic0_msk _r8, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00
336 #define hw_pcic0_ie _xb1, shared, gimsk, 1, 4
337 #define hw_pcic0_if _xb1, shared, gifr, 1, 4
341 #define hw_pcic1 _pxa, 0x40
345 #define hw_pcic1_msk _r8, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00
349 #define hw_pcic1_ie _xb1, shared, gimsk, 1, 5
350 #define hw_pcic1_if _xb1, shared, gifr, 1, 5
361 #include "../classes/wda_1.h"
362 #define hw_watchdog0 _wda, 0
366 #define hw__wda_csr _r8, 0x41, 0xFF, 0x80
368 #define hw__wda_if _cb1, csr, 1, 7
369 #define hw__wda_ie _cb1, csr, 1, 6
370 #define hw__wda_wdp _cb2, csr, 1, 5, 3, csr, 3, 0, 0
371 #define hw__wda_wdce _cb1, csr, 1, 4
372 #define hw__wda_wde _cb1, csr, 1, 3
374 #define hw__wda_eie _cb2, csr, 1, 3, 1, csr, 1, 6, 0
375 #define hw__wda_ifie _cb1, csr, 2, 6
377 #define hw__wda_wdrf _xb1, core0, mcusr, 1, 3
386 #include "../classes/psa_1.h"
390 #define hw_prescaler0 _psa, 0
394 #define hw_prescaler0_tsm _xb1, shared, gtccr, 1, 7
395 #define hw_prescaler0_psr _xb1, shared, gtccr, 1, 0
399 #define hw_prescaler0_tsmpsr _xb2, shared, gtccr, 1, 7, 1, gtccr, 1, 0, 0
410 #include "../classes/oca_1.h"
411 #include "../classes/cta_1.h"
413 #define hw_counter0 _cta, 0
417 #define hw_counter0_ocr1 _r8, 0x5C, 0xFF, 0x00
418 #define hw_counter0_imsk _r8, 0x59, 0x07, 0x00
419 #define hw_counter0_ifr _r8, 0x58, 0x07, 0x07
420 #define hw_counter0_ocr0 _r8, 0x56, 0xFF, 0x00
421 #define hw_counter0_ccrb _r8, 0x53, 0xCF, 0x00
422 #define hw_counter0_count _r8, 0x52, 0xFF, 0x00
423 #define hw_counter0_ccra _r8, 0x50, 0xF3, 0x00
427 #define hw_counter0_com0 _ob1, ccra, 2, 6
428 #define hw_counter0_com1 _ob1, ccra, 2, 4
429 #define hw_counter0_wgm _ob2, ccra, 2, 0, 0, ccrb, 1, 3, 2
430 #define hw_counter0_foc1 _ob1, ccrb, 1, 6
431 #define hw_counter0_foc0 _ob1, ccrb, 1, 7
432 #define hw_counter0_cs _ob1, ccrb, 3, 0
433 #define hw_counter0_ocie1 _ob1, imsk, 1, 2
434 #define hw_counter0_ocie0 _ob1, imsk, 1, 1
435 #define hw_counter0_ie _ob1, imsk, 1, 0
436 #define hw_counter0_ocif1 _ob1, ifr, 1, 2
437 #define hw_counter0_ocif0 _ob1, ifr, 1, 1
438 #define hw_counter0_if _ob1, ifr, 1, 0
442 #define hw_counter0_prescaler0 prescaler0
443 #define hw_counter0_prescaler prescaler0
445 #define hw_counter0_compare0 _oca, counter0, 0
446 #define hw_counter0_compare0_pin _ioa, portb, 1, 2
447 #define hw_counter0_compare0_counter counter0
449 #define hw_counter0_compare1 _oca, counter0, 1
450 #define hw_counter0_compare1_pin _ioa, porta, 1, 7
451 #define hw_counter0_compare1_counter counter0
460 #include "../classes/occ_1.h"
461 #include "../classes/ica_1.h"
462 #include "../classes/ctd_1.h"
466 #define hw_counter1 _ctd, 0
470 #define hw_counter1_ccra _r8, 0x4F, 0xF3, 0x00
471 #define hw_counter1_ccrb _r8, 0x4E, 0xDF, 0x00
472 #define hw_counter1_ocr0 _r16, 0x4A, 0xFFFF, 0x0000
473 #define hw_counter1_ocr1 _r16, 0x48, 0xFFFF, 0x0000
474 #define hw_counter1_icr0 _r16, 0x44, 0xFFFF, 0x0000
475 #define hw_counter1_ccrc _r8, 0x42, 0xC0, 0x00
476 #define hw_counter1_count _r16, 0x4C, 0xFFFF, 0x0000
477 #define hw_counter1_imsk _r8, 0x2C, 0x27, 0x00
478 #define hw_counter1_ifr _r8, 0x2B, 0x27, 0x27
482 #define hw_counter1_com0 _ob1, ccra, 2, 6
483 #define hw_counter1_com1 _ob1, ccra, 2, 4
484 #define hw_counter1_icnc _ob1, ccrb, 1, 7
485 #define hw_counter1_ices _ob1, ccrb, 1, 6
486 #define hw_counter1_cs _ob1, ccrb, 3, 0
487 #define hw_counter1_wgm _ob2, ccrb, 2, 3, 2, ccra, 2, 0, 0
488 #define hw_counter1_foc0 _ob1, ccrc, 1, 7
489 #define hw_counter1_foc1 _ob1, ccrc, 1, 6
490 #define hw_counter1_icie0 _ob1, imsk, 1, 5
491 #define hw_counter1_ocie1 _ob1, imsk, 1, 2
492 #define hw_counter1_ocie0 _ob1, imsk, 1, 1
493 #define hw_counter1_ie _ob1, imsk, 1, 0
494 #define hw_counter1_icif0 _ob1, ifr, 1, 5
495 #define hw_counter1_ocif1 _ob1, ifr, 1, 2
496 #define hw_counter1_ocif0 _ob1, ifr, 1, 1
497 #define hw_counter1_if _ob1, ifr, 1, 0
499 #define hw_counter1_acic _xb1, acmp0, csr, 1, 2
503 #define hw_counter1_prescaler0 prescaler0
504 #define hw_counter1_prescaler prescaler0
506 #define hw_counter1_compare0 _occ, counter1, 0
507 #define hw_counter1_compare0_pin _ioa, porta, 1, 6
508 #define hw_counter1_compare0_counter counter1
510 #define hw_counter1_compare1 _occ, counter1, 1
511 #define hw_counter1_compare1_pin _ioa, porta, 1, 5
512 #define hw_counter1_compare1_counter counter1
514 #define hw_counter1_capture0 _ica, counter1, 0
515 #define hw_counter1_capture0_pin _ioa, porta, 1, 7
516 #define hw_counter1_capture0_counter counter1
527 #include "../classes/usia_1.h"
528 #define hw_usi0 _usia, 0x2D
532 #define hw__usia_cr _r8, 0, 0xFF, 0x00
533 #define hw__usia_sr _r8, 1, 0xFF, 0xE0
534 #define hw__usia_dr _r8, 2, 0xFF, 0x00
535 #define hw__usia_br _r8, 3, 0xFF, 0x00
537 #define hw__usia_ies _cb1, cr, 1, 7
538 #define hw__usia_ieov _cb1, cr, 1, 6
539 #define hw__usia_wm _cb1, cr, 2, 4
540 #define hw__usia_cs _cb1, cr, 2, 2
541 #define hw__usia_clk _cb1, cr, 1, 1
542 #define hw__usia_tc _cb1, cr, 1, 0
544 #define hw__usia_ifs _cb1, sr, 1, 7
545 #define hw__usia_ifov _cb1, sr, 1, 6
546 #define hw__usia_pf _cb1, sr, 1, 5
547 #define hw__usia_dc _cb1, sr, 1, 4
548 #define hw__usia_cnt _cb1, sr, 4, 0
553 #define hw_spimaster_swclk0 _usia_spimaster_swclk, usi0
557 #define hw_spimaster_c0clk0 _usia_spimaster_c0clk, usi0
561 #define hw_usi0_ck _ioa, porta, 1, 4
562 #define hw_usi0_do _ioa, porta, 1, 5
563 #define hw_usi0_di _ioa, porta, 1, 6
574 #include "../classes/aca_1.h"
575 #define hw_acmp0 _aca, 0
579 #define hw__aca_csr _r8, 0x28, 0xDF, 0x10
585 #define hw_acmp0_csr _r8, 0x28, 0xDF, 0x10
587 #define hw_acmp0_acme _xb1, adc0, srb, 1, 6
588 #define hw_acmp0_aden _xb1, adc0, sra, 1, 7
589 #define hw_acmp0_admux _xb1, adc0, admux, 6, 0
598 #include "../classes/ada_1.h"
599 #define hw_adc0 _ada, 0
601 #define hw__ada_admux _r8, 0x27, 0xFF, 0x00
602 #define hw__ada_sra _r8, 0x26, 0xFF, 0x10
603 #define hw__ada_adc _r16, 0x24, 0x0000, 0x0000
604 #define hw__ada_adch _r8, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00
605 #define hw__ada_adcl _r8, 0x24, 0x00, 0x00
606 #define hw__ada_srb _r8, 0x23, 0xD7, 0x00
608 #define hw_adc0_admux _r8, 0x27, 0xFF, 0x00
609 #define hw_adc0_sra _r8, 0x26, 0xFF, 0x10
610 #define hw_adc0_srb _r8, 0x23, 0xD7, 0x00
612 #define hw__ada_refs _cb1, admux, 2, 6
613 #define hw__ada_mux _cb1, admux, 6, 0
615 #define hw__ada_en _cb1, sra, 1, 7
616 #define hw__ada_sc _cb1, sra, 1, 6
617 #define hw__ada_ate _cb1, sra, 1, 5
618 #define hw__ada_if _cb1, sra, 1, 4
619 #define hw__ada_ie _cb1, sra, 1, 3
620 #define hw__ada_ps _cb1, sra, 3, 0
622 #define hw__ada_bin _cb1, srb, 1, 7
623 #define hw__ada_lar _cb1, srb, 1, 4
624 #define hw__ada_ts _cb1, srb, 3, 0
635 #define hw_class__eea
639 #define hw_eeprom0 _eea, 0
643 #define hw__eea_arh _r8, 0x3F, 0x01, 0x00
644 #define hw__eea_arl _r8, 0x3E, 0xFF, 0x00
645 #define hw__eea_ar _r16, 0x3E, 0x01FF, 0x00
646 #define hw__eea_dr _r8, 0x3D, 0xFF, 0x00
647 #define hw__eea_cr _r8, 0x3C, 0x3F, 0x00
649 #define hw__eea_pm _cb1, cr, 2, 4
650 #define hw__eea_rie _cb1, cr, 1, 3
651 #define hw__eea_mpe _cb1, cr, 1, 2
652 #define hw__eea_pe _cb1, cr, 1, 1
653 #define hw__eea_re _cb1, cr, 1, 0
664 #define hw_class__fla
668 #define hw_flash0 _fla, 0
672 #define hw__fla_csr _r8, 0x57, 0x3F, 0x00
674 #define hw__fla_sigrd _cb1, csr, 1, 5
675 #define hw__fla_rsig _cb1, csr, 1, 5
676 #define hw__fla_rwwsre _cb1, csr, 1, 4
677 #define hw__fla_ctpb _cb1, csr, 1, 4
678 #define hw__fla_blbset _cb1, csr, 1, 3
679 #define hw__fla_rflb _cb1, csr, 1, 3
680 #define hw__fla_pgwrt _cb1, csr, 1, 2
681 #define hw__fla_pgers _cb1, csr, 1, 1
682 #define hw__fla_spmen _cb1, csr, 1, 0
685 #if !defined __ASSEMBLER__
693 hwa_shared_t shared ;
700 hwa_wda_t watchdog0 ;
708 #include "../hwa_2.h"
709 #include "../classes/c1_2.h"
710 #include "../classes/corea_2.h"
711 #include "../classes/inta_2.h"
712 #include "../classes/ioa_2.h"
713 #include "../classes/gpa_2.h"
714 #include "../classes/pxa_2.h"
715 #include "../classes/wda_2.h"
716 #include "../classes/psa_2.h"
717 #include "../classes/oca_2.h"
718 #include "../classes/cta_2.h"
719 #include "../classes/occ_2.h"
720 #include "../classes/ica_2.h"
721 #include "../classes/ctd_2.h"
722 #include "../classes/usia_2.h"
723 #include "../classes/aca_2.h"
724 #include "../classes/ada_2.h"
725 #include "../classes/eea_2.h"
726 #include "../classes/fla_2.h"
void _hwa_setup_context( hwa_t *
hwa )
void _hwa_init_context( hwa_t *
hwa )
void _hwa_commit_context( hwa_t *
hwa )
#define _hwa_init_r(o, r, v)
Initialize an HWA register of an object with its reset value.
Definition: hwa_2.h:369
#define _hwa_init_o(o)
Initialize the HWA context registers of an object with their reset value.
Definition: hwa_2.h:331
#define _hwa_solve_o(o)
Solve the configuration of an object.
Definition: hwa_2.h:340
#define hwa(...)
hwa( action, object [,...] ) stores an action for an object into a HWA context.
Definition: hwa_macros.h:552
#define _hwa_setup_r(o, r)
Create a HWA register.
Definition: hwa_2.h:359
#define _hwa_commit_r(o, r)
Commit one object hardware register.
Definition: hwa_2.h:379
#define _hwa_commit_o(o)
Commit the registers of an object.
Definition: hwa_2.h:349
#define _hwa_setup_o(o)
Initialize the HWA context registers addresses of an object.
Definition: hwa_2.h:322