Bare metal programming with style
HWA internals

Detailed Description

A few notes about how HWA works internally.

Hierarchy of files

The base source code of HWA is in the hwa/ directory.

Device-related sources are stored in vendor/architecture/ directories (atmel/avr/, st/stm32/, espressif/esp8266/, ...) where are stored classes/, devices/, and examples/ directories.

Macro dependencies

HW_X()    _HW_FC
 |         (f,c,)
 |           |
 |           |
 |--         |==      _hw_read(o,r)
 |--         |==      _hw_atomic_read(o,r)
 |--         |==      _hw_write(o,r,v)
 |--         |==      _hw_write_m(o,r,m,v)
 |--         |==      _hwa_write(o,r,v)
 |--         |==      _hwa_write_m(o,r,m,v)
 |--         |==      _hwa_mmask(o,r)
 |--         |==      _hwa_mvalue(o,r)
 |--         |==      _hwa_ovalue(o,r)
 |--                  _hwa_setup_r(o,r)
 |--                  _hwa_init_r(o,r,v)
 |--                  _hwa_commit_r(o,r)
 |--                  _hwa_nocommit_r(o,r)
 |--                  _hw(...)
 |--                  _hwa(...)
 |--                  HW_ID(o)
 |--                  HW_ISR(oo [,reason] [,naked] ... )
 |--                  HW_VOID_ISR(o [,reason])
 |           |
 |           |==      HW_ADDRESS(oo)
 |           |==      HW_BIT(oo)
 |           |==      HW_POSITION(oo)
 |--         |==      hw(...)
 |--         |==      hwa(...)


Macro argument names

HWA uses the following standardized argument names in its macro definitions:


#define _hw_atomic_read(o, r)
#define _hw_read(o, r)
#define _hw_write(o, r, v)
#define _hw_write_m(o, r, ...)
#define _hwa_begin_(g, ...)
#define _hwa_begin_reset(r, g, ...)
#define _hwa_commit_(...)
#define _hwa_commit_o(o)   _hwa_commit00( o, hw_##o )
#define _hwa_commit_r(o, r)
#define _hwa_init_o(o)   _hwa_init00( o, hw_##o )
#define _hwa_init_r(o, r, v)
#define _hwa_mmask(o, r)
#define _hwa_mvalue(o, r)
#define _hwa_nocommit_(...)
#define _hwa_ovalue(o, r)
#define _hwa_setup_o(o)   _hwa_setup00( o, hw_##o )
#define _hwa_setup_r(o, r)
#define _hwa_solve_o(o)   _hwa_solve00( o, hw_##o )
#define _hwa_write(o, r, v)
#define _hwa_write_m(o, r, ...)
#define hw_configure__ioa   , _hw_cfioa
#define hwa_writenp__m11


HW_INLINE void _hw_write_r8 (intptr_t ra, uint8_t rwm, uint8_t rfm, uint8_t mask, uint8_t value)
HW_INLINE void _hwa_check_optimizations (uint8_t x)
HW_INLINE void _hwa_set__r8 (hwa_r8_t *r, uint8_t v)
HW_INLINE void _hwa_write_r8 (hwa_r8_t *r, uint8_t rwm, uint8_t rfm, uint8_t msk, uint8_t v)

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ _hw_atomic_read

#define _hw_atomic_read (   o,

Read one register of an object with interrupts disabled.

_hw_atomic_read( object, register );

◆ _hw_read

#define _hw_read (   o,

Read one register of an object.

_hw_read( object, register );

◆ _hw_write

#define _hw_write (   o,

Write one register of an object.

_hw_write( object, register, value );

◆ _hw_write_m

#define _hw_write_m (   o,

Write some bits of a hardware register.


◆ _hwa_begin_

#define _hwa_begin_ (   g,

Create a context to memorize what the hwa(...) instructions do.

Nothing is written into the hardware until hwa(commit) is called.

◆ _hwa_begin_reset

#define _hwa_begin_reset (   r,

Create a context to memorize what the hwa(...) instructions do.

The context is initialized with the values the registers have after a system reset.

Nothing is written into the hardware until hwa(commit) is called.

◆ _hwa_commit_

#define _hwa_commit_ (   ...)

Generate machine code for the configuration stored in the context.

Solve the configuration stored into the HWA context, then do the required hardware register writes.

◆ _hwa_mmask

#define _hwa_mmask (   o,

Get the mmask of the logical register r of object o.

The mmask is set each time a write is performed. It is reset after the value has been committed.

◆ _hwa_nocommit_

#define _hwa_nocommit_ (   ...)

Same as hwa(commit) but do not write into hardware.

This is used to put the HWA context in a known state before modifying it.

◆ _hwa_write

#define _hwa_write (   o,

Write one register of an object.

_hwa_write( object, register, value );

◆ _hwa_write_m

#define _hwa_write_m (   o,

Record some bits of a hardware register in the HWA context.


◆ hw_configure__ioa

#define hw_configure__ioa   , _hw_cfioa

◆ hwa_writenp__m11

#define hwa_writenp__m11

Write n bits at position p of a hardware register.


Function Documentation

◆ _hw_write_r8()

HW_INLINE void _hw_write_r8 ( intptr_t  ra,
uint8_t  rwm,
uint8_t  rfm,
uint8_t  mask,
uint8_t  value 

Write one 8-bit hardware register.

Write value through mask bits of the hardware register at address ra. Trying to write 1s into non-writeable bits triggers an error.

raaddress of register.
rwmwriteable bits mask of the register.
rfmflag bits mask of the register.
maskmask of bits concerned.
valuevalue to write.

◆ _hwa_write_r8()

HW_INLINE void _hwa_write_r8 ( hwa_r8_t *  r,
uint8_t  rwm,
uint8_t  rfm,
uint8_t  msk,
uint8_t  v 

Write into one 8-bit context register.

Write value v into msk bits of the context register pointed by r. Trying to write 1s into non-writeable bits triggers an error.

The mask of modified values mmask is set according to msk even if the value is not modified. _hwa_commit__r8() will check if the register has effectively been modified.

rregister pointer.
rwmwriteable bits mask of the register.
rfmflag bits mask of the register.
mskmask of bits concerned.
vvalue to write.
#define _hw_write(o, r, v)
Write one register of an object.
Definition: hwa_2.h:168
#define _hw_write_m(o, r,...)
Write some bits of a hardware register.
Definition: hwa_2.h:280
#define _hwa_write_m(o, r,...)
Record some bits of a hardware register in the HWA context.
Definition: hwa_2.h:298
#define _hwa_write(o, r, v)
Write one register of an object.
Definition: hwa_2.h:181
#define _hwa(...)
Private version of hwa().
Definition: hwa_macros.h:671