Bare metal programming with style
Porting HWA

Note This need to be updated.


Porting HWA to a device mymcu of architecture arch (avr, avr32, stm32...) built by the vendor company (atmel, st, microchip...) requires writing at least two files:

  • include/hwa/mymcu.h: the header file that is included in the source code of the projects that use this device;
  • vendor/arch/devices/mymcu.h: the device file, included by the header file, that gathers all the definitions that make HWA useable for the device.

The device file defines all the objects that represent the peripheral controllers the device embeds and includes their classes definitions. The definitions of the classes are split into two files in the vendor/arch/classes/ directory whose names begin with the class name without the leading underscore _:

  • one file whose name ends with _1.h that contains the definitions that do not produce C code and the definition that builds the HWA context;
  • one file whose name ends with _2.h that contains the definitions that produce C code.

Structure of a device file

Let's see how the atmel/avr/devices/atmegax8.h file is structured.

The file is split in two parts. The first part is the only one that is included for assembler programming as it defines all the objects but nothing that produces C code:

  1. It includes ../hwa_1.h, that is atmel/avr/hwa_1.h that is included by all the Atmel AVR device definition files. In addition to including the global hwa/hwa_1.h header, it defines symbols common to all Atmel AVR devices.
  2. The device file then processes and defines symbols related to the fuse bytes. These are treated early since they permit to compute the system clock frequency HW_SYSHZ that is often necessary.
  3. Then comes the list of the peripherals for the documentation and the definitions of the interrupts.
  4. A shared object is created to gather hardware registers that are not to be attached to a specific object.
  5. The ports and I/O pins are declared, as well as their alternate names.
  6. Then follow all the objects that implement the others peripherals.

The second part of the device file concerns the HWA context and the production of C code:

  1. The hwa_t structure is populated with the elements of context relative to each object.
  2. The class definition header files that produce C code *_2.h are included.
  3. The context management functions are defined.


All peripheral controllers of a device are objects pertaining to a class.

Class names are lower cased, prefixed with an underscore _ and end with a letter that is used to distinguish various classes of the same kind of objects.

For example, classes that implement an 8-bit counter are called _c8a, _c8b, or _c8c...

A class is declared with a symbol starting with hw_class_ and ending with the class name. The definition of this symbol must be void. For example, the class _c8a is declared with:

#define hw_class__c8a


An object is declared to HWA with a symbol that starts with hw_ followed by the object name. The definition of this symbol must begin with a declared class name.

For example, the object named counter0 of class _c8a is declared with something like:

/* Object class, id, address
#define hw_counter0 _c8a, 100, 0x0000


  • 100 is a unique number identifying the object. This is used by the HW_ID() instruction.
  • 0x0000 is the base address of the object, that will be added to the relative addresses of the registers of the class. The base address can be null if the registers are not consistently mapped in the memory between different objects of the same class. This is often the case for Atmel AVR devices.


The word register in HWA refers to two types of objects:

  • hardware registers, that represent the real registers of a device;
  • logical registers, that represent sets of bits that altogether hold a meaningful value.

Registers can be attributes of classes as well as attributes of objects.

Class registers are convenient for registers that are always mapped the same way into the memory whatever the object or the device, or when only one object of that class can exist in one device.

Object registers are convenient for registers that have variable memory mappings.

When a register is used, HWA looks for its definition first in the class, and then in the object.

Hardware registers

Hardware registers are objects of class _r8, _r16, or _r32, respectively for 8, 16, and 32-bit real registers.

Class hardware registers

The count register of an 8-bit counter class _c8a is declared as a class register with a definition like:

/* Class hardware register class, address, write mask, flags mask
#define hw__c8a_count _r8, 0x40, 0xFF, 0x00

The symbol defined is the concatenation of hw_, the class name, and the register name. In this definition:

  • _r8 is the class of the register;
  • 0x40 is the address of the register relatively to the base address of the object);
  • 0xFF is the mask of the writeable bits in the register, 0xFF means that all bits of the register can be written;
  • 0x00 is the mask of 'flag' bits, that are cleared by writing 1 into them, 0x00 means that there is no flag bit in this register.

Object hardware registers

The ifr register of an 8-bit counter class _c8a is declared as a register of the counter0 object with a definition like:

/* Object hardware register class, address, write mask, flags mask
#define hw_counter0_ifr _r8, 0x35, 0x07, 0x07

The symbol defined is the concatenation of an underscore, the object name, an underscore, and the register name. In this definition:

  • _r8 is the class of the register;
  • 0x35 is the address of the register;
  • the first 0x07 is the mask of the writeable bits in the register, 0x07 means that only the bits b2, b1, and b0 of the register can be written;
  • the second 0x07 is the mask of 'flag' bits, that are cleared by writing 1 into them, 0x07 means that the bits b2, b1, and b0 are cleared by writing 1 into them.

Logical registers

Logical registers are sub parts of hardware registers that hold one information. Logical registers can be:

  • one group of consecutive bits inside one hardware register;
  • the association of two groups of consecutive bits inside one or two hardware registers.

Logical registers are objects of one of the following classes:

  • _cb1: one group of consecutive bits inside one class hardware register;
  • _cb2: two groups of consecutive bits inside one or two class hardware registers;
  • _ob1: one group of consecutive bits inside one object hardware register;
  • _ob2: two groups of consecutive bits inside one or two object hardware registers;
  • _xob1: one group of consecutive bits in one hardware register of another object.

The logical cs register of an 8-bit counter class _c8a is declared as a class register with a definition like:

/* Class logical register
#define hw__c8a_cs _cb1, ccrb, 3, 0


  • _cb1 is the class of the register;
  • ccrb is the name of the hardware register that holds this logical register;
  • 3 is the number of consecutive bits of this register;
  • 0 is the position of the least significant bit of this register in the hardware register.

The logical wgm register of an 8-bit counter class _c8a is declared as an object register with a definition like:

/* Object logical register
#define hw_counter0_wgm _ob2, ccra, 2, 0, 0, ccrb, 1, 3, 2


  • _ob2 is the class of the register;
  • ccra, 2, 0, 0 tells that bits b1,b0 of the hardware register ccra hold bits b1,b0 of this logical register;
  • ccrb, 1, 3, 2 tells that bit b3 of the hardware register ccrb holds bit b2 of this logical register;

External registers

Atmel AVR devices sometimes have some bits used by one peripheral stored in the registers of another peripheral.

One logical register in one object hardware register can be accessed from a class or from an object using a register of class _xob1.

An example is the acic logical register of the class _c16a that is in fact stored in the bit 2 of the csr hardware register of the analog comparator acmp0 object:

#define hw__c16a_acic _xob1, acmp0, csr, 1, 2


Interrupts are objects of the _irq class.

For the ATtinyX4, the interrupt for the event overflow of the counter0 is defined like this (the second definition considers that there is no need for the event name to be specified):

#define hw_irq_counter0_overflow _irq, counter0, 11, ie, if
#define hw_irq_counter0_ _irq, counter0, 11, ie, if


  • counter0 is the IRQ name
  • 11 is the vector number of the IRQ, counting from 0, so this is the vector number Atmel gives minus 1. This is used by HWA to build the name of the ISR.
  • ie is the name of the logical register (class _cb1 or _ob1) that enables/disables the IRQ
  • if is the name of the logical register that signals the IRQ (and that is cleared by writing 1 into it)

For the STM32, the SysTick timer alarm is defined like this:

#define hw_irq_systick_alarm _irq, systick, esr_systick, ie, if

where esr_systick is the name of the ISR.

Class methods

A class method is "called" when a generic instruction is applied to an object whose class has declared that it supports the instruction by the means of a symbol made of the prefix `, the instruction name, an underscore_`, the class name.

For example, to declare that the class _wdoga supports the generic instruction hw(reset,...), the following symbol must be defined:

#define hw_reset__wdoga , _hw_rstwdoga

The definition contains two elements:

  • a first void element that is used by HWA to validate that the class supports the instruction;
  • the name of the method that implements the instruction.

Then, HWA will expand the instruction

hw( reset, watchdog0 )



where the arguments are:

  • the name of the object, its id, its base address;
  • the list of arguments passed to the generic instruction;
  • 3 additionnal void arguments.

The additional void arguments serve two purposes:

  • the first one is a reasonably sufficient way to verify that there is no remaining argument in the list after the processing of the instruction, using the HW_EOL() macro:
HW_EOL(__VA_ARGS__) // Produce an error if first argument in __VA_ARGS__ is not void
  • having several void arguments at the end of the list simplifies the processing by ensuring that the macros will receive at least the number of arguments they expect.

Processing the instructions

The processing of variable length lists of arguments, made of key/value pairs, is a major feature of HWA that helps writing source code that is both concise and clear.

Let's see how the _c8a class implements the asychronous configure action (hwa(configure,counter0,...)) in the file atmel/avr/classes/c8a_2.h.

First, the method has to be declared:

#define hwa_configure__c8a , _hwa_cfc8a

The instruction hwa( configure, counter0, ... ) will then be translated to _hwa_cfc8a(o,a,...) where:

  • o is the name of the object: "counter0";
  • i is the id of the object;
  • a is the base address of the object;
  • ... represents the arguments following the object name and the additional void arguments.

We want the first argument that follows the object name to be the keyword "clock" and the next argument to be a value for "clock". There is the definition of _hwa_cfc8a(...):

#define _hwa_cfc8a(o,a,k,...) \
do { HW_Y(_hwa_cfc8a_kclock_,_hw_is_clock_##k)(o,k,__VA_ARGS__,,) } while(0)

The do { ... } while(0) block ensure that the expansion of the instruction remains a block even if it develops as several statements.

HW_Y() concatenates 1 to its first argument if the result of the expansion of _hw_is_clock_##k begins with a void element. Otherwise, it concatenates 0.

For that to work, the following definition is required:

#define _hw_is_clock_clock , 1

Such definitions are gathered in the file hwa/hwa_1.h.

Then, if the k argument is "clock", HW_Y(_hwa_cfc8a_kclock_,_hw_is_clock_##k) expands to _hwa_cfc8a_kclock_1, otherwise it expands to _hwa_cfc8a_kclock_0.

After that, _hwa_cfc8a_kclock_0 or _hwa_cfc8a_kclock_1 is concatenated with (o,__VA_ARGS__,,). The i and a arguments are dropped since the processing of the configure action does not need the id or the address of the object.

If the argument k is not "clock", _hwa_cfc8a_kclock_0(o,__VA_ARGS__,,) produces an error explaining that k is not the word "clock":

#define _hwa_cfc8a_kclock_0(o,k,...) HW_E_VL(k,clock)

If k is "clock", _hwa_cfc8a_kclock_1(o,__VA_ARGS__,,) continues the processing of the arguments to verify that the following argument v is an acceptable value for the "clock" key:

#define _hwa_cfc8a_kclock_1(o,k,v,...) HW_Y(_hwa_cfc8a_vclock_,_hw_cclk1_##v)(o,v,__VA_ARGS__)

and the following definitions, all expanding with a void element in first position:

#define _hw_cclk1_none , _hw_clk1_none, 0
#define _hw_cclk1_ioclk , _hw_clk1_ioclk, 1.0
#define _hw_cclk1_external_rising , _hw_clk1_external_rising, 0
#define _hw_cclk1_external_falling , _hw_clk1_external_falling, 0

make any expression starting with "none", "ioclk", "external_rising" or "external_falling" a valid value.

Then, if v is valid, the processing continues with _hwa_cfc8a_vclock_1(o,v,k,...) where v is the symbolic value for the "clock" key that is known to be valid, k is the next key to be processed - that could be "direction", and ... the remaining arguments in the list:

#define _hwa_cfc8a_vclock_1(o,v,k,...) \
hwa->o.config.clock = HW_VF(_hw_cclk1_##v); \

The HW_VF() call is responsible for processing the value that has to be stored into the configuration of the object in the HWA context (the actual writing into the hardware will be performed at commit time).

HW_VF() expands its argument, then uses the second one as a function name and the third one as the argument to be passed. For example, if v is "ioclk", HW_VF(_hw_cclk1_##v) expands to _hw_clk1_ioclk(1.0). It should be pointed out that if v is "ioclk / 64", HW_VF(_hw_cclk1_##v) expands to _hw_clk1_ioclk(1.0/64). That's how _hw_clk1_ioclk() can compute the value of the cs register that it returns and verify that the value provided is valid:

HW_INLINE uint8_t _hw_clk1_ioclk( float v )
if ( v == 1.0 )
return 1 ;
if ( v == 1.0/8 )
return 2 ;
if ( v == 1.0/64 )
return 3 ;
if ( v == 1.0/256 )
return 4 ;
if ( v == 1.0/1024 )
return 5 ;
HWA_E_NIL(value of `clock`, (`none`, `ioclk [/ 8|64|256|1024]`, `external_falling`, `external_rising`));
return 0 ;

Solving the configuration

Atmel AVR counter classes such as _c8a are implemented using separate objects (the counting unit, the compare units, the prescaler) and the configuration of the compare units have an incidence on the values to be written in the logical register wgm of the counting unit. Thus, contrary to other simpler objects, _hwa_cfc8a() does not immediately set logical register values according to the parsed arguments but only stores the configuration in the context as will the configuration instructions for the compare units. The hwa(commit) instruction will call _hwa_solve_o() to process the values stored in the context, compute the values of the registers, and verify that the whole configuration is valid before the hwa(commit) instruction effectively writes the registers into the hardware.