Bare metal programming with style
Using HWA

This section gives general informations about how to use HWA, whatever the target device. Look at the "Modules" for device-specific documentation.

Reserved symbols

HWA defines a lot of symbols, all beginning with one of these:

  • hw_..., _hw_...,
  • HW_..., _HW_...,
  • hwa_..., _hwa_...,
  • HWA_..., _HWA_...

plus: hw, _hw, HW, hwa, _hwa.

Header file

In order to use the HWA facilities, you must include the header file that describes your target device to your source:

#include <hwa/attiny44a_pu.h>

This assumes that your compiler is configured to look for header files in the /include/ directory of HWA.

If your device uses configuration fuses (e.g. Atmel AVR), you should set their values before including the header. If you do not, factory values will be assumed:

#define HW_DEVICE_CLK_SRC rc_8MHz
#define HW_DEVICE_DEBUG_WIRE disabled
#define HW_DEVICE_CLOCK_OUTPUT disabled
#include <atmel/avr/attiny44a_pu.h>

For Atmel AVR devices, HWA uses the fuses' values to define the symbol HW_SYSHZ as the frequency of the CPU clock. These values are also used by the example projects to drive the compilation and the bootloader. Have a look at the Makefiles to see how this works.


Many HWA instructions are generic: they apply actions on various types of objects and accept a variable number of arguments, mandatory or optionnal, often organized as key/value pairs.

The two mostly used instructions are hw() and hwa(). Both take an action as first argument and an object as second argument. Additional arguments may follow.

hw( ACTION, OBJECT, ... ) produces an immediate result.

hw( trigger, adc0 ); // Start ADC0 conversion

hwa( ACTION, OBJECT, ... ) records actions in a context that must have been created previously with hwa(begin) or hwa(begin,reset), the latter loading the context with the state of the hardware as it is after a hard reset.

The execution of the recorded actions is triggered by hwa(commit). Using a context can lead to a better optimization of the code produced since it allows HWA to reduce the number of accesses to the hardware registers. You'll get an error if you record contradictory actions.

hwa( begin, reset ); // Create a context, load reset state
hwa( configure, (porta,2), mode, output ); // Configure PA2
hwa( configure, (porta,4,4), mode, output ); // Configure PA7,PA6,PA5,PA4
hwa( commit ); // Do it now

hwa(nocommit) does nothing but leave the context in a known state before recording new actions. That way, HWA produces the code that reflects the changes to the hardware between hwa(nocommit) and hwa(commit). See the example project atmel/avr/examples/02-3-blink-watchdog-irq-reset/ for an illustration.

See also: instructions sorted by category.


Actions are lower-cased words:

  • power
  • turn
  • configure
  • write
  • read
  • read_atomic
  • stat
  • toggle
  • trigger
  • clear
  • reset
  • enable
  • disable
  • ...


Object names are based on manufacturers' but using lower case:

  • porta, portb... ;
  • counter0, counter1... (timers are named counter because they become timers only when connected to a clock of known frequency);
  • uart0, uart1...

Objects can be designated using a path, between parentheses:

  • (counter0,compare0): the compare unit #0 attached to counter0;
  • (counter0,compare0,counter): equals counter0;
  • (counter0,count): the count register of counter0;
  • (counter0,irq): the IRQ object of counter0;
  • ((portb,1,0),port): GPIO port of pin PB0, equals portb;
  • (portb,pcic): pin-change interrupt controller of portb
  • ...

HWA can drive external controllers, using a constructor:


I/Os such as PA2, PB4... can be designated using a path made of a GPIO port name, the number of consecutive pins (assumed to be 1 if ommitted), and the lowest pin number:

  • (porta,2) or (porta,1,2): aka PA2;
  • (portb,4,2): pins PB5,PB4,PB4,PB2.

I/Os can also be designated using the (pin,...) notation:

  • (pin,2): pin number 2 (pin numbers are defined if the package of the device is known);
  • (pin,adc0): pin named ADC0. Note that adc0 would designate an ADC converter.

External controllers can give access to their I/Os using the same notation as with GPIO ports. You can then drive their I/Os using the same instructions as for internal GPIO ports:

#define PCF HW_PCF8574( interface, twi0, address, 0x27 )
#define PINS (PCF,4,2)
hw( write, PINS, 5 ); // Sets pins 4 & 2, clears pins 5 & 3 of PCF

Configuring GPIOs

GPIOs are configured with the configure action. GPIOs can support multiple functions and modes, hence the parameters:

  • function: to indicate the function;
  • mode: to indicate the electrical behavior.
hw( configure, pin,
function, gpio, // Optionnal, `gpio` is the default value
mode, output_push_pull );

The optionnal function parameter indicates the function of the pin:

  • gpio: the pin acts as a GPIO pin (assumed by default if the function parameter is ommitted);
  • (CONTROLLER,SIGNAL): the pin is driven by an internal peripheral controller signal:
    • (uart0,txd): TXD signal of uart0
    • (counter0,clock): clock input of counter0
    • ...
hwa( begin, reset );
hwa( configure, gpio15, function, (uart0,txd) ); // Remap pins of ESP8266 UART
hwa( configure, gpio13, function, (uart0,rxd) ); //
hwa( commit );

The mode parameter tells how, electrically, the pin behaves. It may be mandatory or forbidden depending on the function of the pin. Typical values are:

  • analog_input
  • analog_input_floating
  • analog_input_pullup
  • digital_input | digital_input_floating
  • digital_input_pullup
  • digital_input_pullup_when_awake
  • digital_input_pulldown
  • digital_output | digital_output_pushpull
  • digital_output_when_awake | digital_output_pushpull_when_awake
  • digital_output_opendrain

Read, write, toggle

uint8_t code = hw( read, (portb,4,4) ); // Put PB7:PB4 in bits 3:0 of code
hwa(write, (portb,2,4), 2 ); // Record PB5,PB4 = 1,0
hwa(write, (portb,2,6), 1 ); // Record PB7,PB6 = 0,1
hwa(commit); // Do it now
hwa(write, (portb,2,6), 2 ); // Record PB7,PB6 = 1,0
hwa(commit); // Do it now
hw( toggle, (portb,2,2) ); // Toggle PB3 and PB2


IRQs, their flags and masks are objects that can be accessed using the irq element in a path:

  • (counter0,irq): the IRQ triggered by counter0;
  • (counter0,irq,overflow): the IRQ triggered by counter0 when it overflows;
  • (counter0,compare0,irq): the IRQ of the compare unit #0 of counter0;

Available actions for IRQs are:

  • enable: allows the IRQ to be triggered;
  • disable: prevents the IRQ to be triggered;
  • read: returns the status of the IRQ flag;
  • clear: clears the IRQ flag.
hw( clear, (counter0,overflow,irq) ); // Clear IRQ flag
hw( enable, (counter0,overflow,irq) ); // Enable IRQ
if( hw(read, (counter0,irq,overflow) ) ) {
hw(clear, (counter0,irq,overflow) );
hw(toggle, LED);

Interrupt service routines are declared with the HW_ISR() instruction:

HW_ISR( (watchdog0,irq) )
// code to handle the overflow of the watchdog timer

For a controller that can trigger several different interrupt requests, an event name is required:

HW_ISR( (usi0,irq,txc) )
// code to handle the transmit-complete IRQ of the USI

With some target devices and some compilers (only tested with GNU gcc for the moment), HW_ISR() accepts the following optionnal parameters:

  • naked
  • interruptible
  • noninterruptible

interruptible and noninterruptible tell the compiler to make the ISR interruptible or not. Depending on the target device, these parameters may or may not produce code. For example, noninterruptible will not produce code for the Atmel AVR devices since these targets automatically disable the interrupts when an ISR is entered.

naked makes the ISR have a naked body: the compiler will not generate any entry or exit code. That permits sparing a few program memory bytes and CPU cycles. If you use this, you must ensure that your ISR does not alter any CPU register and you must provide the instruction for exiting the ISR yourself:

HW_ISR( (counter0,irq,overflow), naked )
hw( toggle, pa0 ); // Will use the `sbi` instruction, no register is altered
hw_asm("reti"); // Produce the `reti` instruction

Interrupts can be globally enabled or disabled:

hw( enable, interrupts );
hw( disable, interrupts );


HWA gives access to the registers of the MCU through a path that start with the name of the object that holds the register.

  • hardware registers are bytes or words defined by the MCU vendor;
  • logical registers are one or two sets of consecutive bits inside one or two hardware registers that have a semantical meaning.

Both hardware and logical registers are managed by the same instructions hw(...) and hwa(...) with actions read, write, set, clear.

The following sets the values of the WGM bits of the 8-bit timer/counter0 of an Atmel ATmega328. These bits are spread over two hardware registers: TCCR0A holds bits 0 and 1 in position 0 and 1, and TCCR0B holds bit 2 in position:

hw( write, (counter0,wgm), 5 );

Note that using hwa() instructions optimizes the resulting binary code since the accesses to hardware registers will be combined.

Useful macros

These macros can be used in assembly language.

HW_ADDRESS(OBJECT_PATH) returns the address of an object or -1 if the object does not exist. This can be used to compare objects.

HW_BITS(OBJECT_PATH) returns the number of bits of an object (I/Os, counter, register...) or 0 if the object does not exist.

HW_POSITION(OBJECT_PATH) returns the position of an object (I/Os, register...) or 0 if the object does not exist.


The Examples page gives links to example projects that demonstrate the usage of HWA.