Bare metal programming with style

Detailed Description

Classes used by Atmel AVR devices.


 Class _aca: analog comparator
 Class _acb: analog comparator
 Class _ada: 10-bit analog to digital converter
 Class _adb: 10-bit analog to digital converter
 Class _adc: 10-bit analog to digital converter
 Class _corea: core of the device
 Class _coreb: core of the device
 Class _corec: core of the device
 Class _cta: 8-bit counter with two compare units
 Class _ctb: 8-bit counter with two compare units and one dead-time generator
 Class _ctc: 8-bit counter with two compare units
 Class _ctd: 16-bit counter with two compare units and one capture unit
 Class _cte: 16-bit counter with three compare units and one capture unit
 Class _dtga: dead time generator
 Class _eea: EEPROM memory
 Class _fla: Flash memory
 Class _gpa: 8-bit I/O port
 Class _ica: 16-bit capture unit
 Class _icb: 16-bit capture unit
 Class _inta: external interrupt controller
 Class _ioa: General Purpose Input/Output
 Class _ionc: General Purpose Input/Output
 Class _oca: 8-bit compare unit with waveform generator
 Class _ocb: 8-bit compare unit with waveform generator with complementary outputs
 Class _occ: 16-bit compare unit with waveform generator
 Class _psa: clock prescaler
 Class _psb: clock prescaler
 Class _pxa: pin change interrupt controller
 Class _spia: Serial Peripheral Interface
 Class _twia: 2-wire interface
 Class _uarta: Universal Asynchronous serial Receiver Transmitter
 Class _usia: Universal Serial Interface
 Class _usia_spimaster_swclk: software clocked SPI master over USI
 Class _wda: watchdog timer
 Class _wdb: watchdog timer